Sunday, October 21, 2007


1 Timothy 6:1-21

Content: happy enough with what one has or is; not desiring something more or different; satisfied. (Webster)

This sounds almost un-American—satisfied with my house, car, job, clothing, church, and belongings.  Think of the recession this would cause!

§   Do your thoughts focus on people’s weakness and faults or on their strengths?

§   Do you consider yourself to be wealthy?

§   Are you thankful for what you have or do you find yourself dreaming about having more?

§   Do you find yourself feeling uncomfortable when around people of considerable more wealth than you?  Less?

§   If you could change your physical appearance, what would you change? Does the desire to have these changes made make you feel insecure or uncomfortable around others?

§   With God s leading could you be content in your current work situation for the rest of your life?

§   Do you tend to celebrate the victories in your life as much as you grieve the disappointments (failures) in your life?

§   When you observe a fellow Christian experiencing their spiritual gift(s) with great ease, do you find yourself enjoying the situation or are you uncomfort­able; perhaps focusing on your own inadequacies?

§   What is the thing that ticks you off most about living in the U.S.?

§    How would you teach contentment to someone?

§   What is the relationship between contentment and thankfulness?


Lord, let my heart be satisfied in you alone.

Steve Louden


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