Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Real Question

Saturday, February 24, 2007 Mark 7:1-23

“To wash or not to wash”… that was NOT the question. I see the error of the Pharisee way, those hypocritical legalists, focusing on such minor details, thinking that by following man-made rules they will be saved. Ha!

But then my inner Pharisee starts wondering… Is there a “correct” Sabbath day? Which is the “truest” Bible: King James or NIV, or (have mercy!) a New Living Translation? Are tongues for today? Shall we baptize babies or only believers? Dunk or sprinkle? Does rock-and-roll belong in worship? (Shall I raise my hands in church, or just my eyebrows…? :-))

Before I know it, Pharisee Me has answered those questions with a list of “rules” defining the “best” way, which is of course, my way…(Well, if not rules, at least very strong opinions...)

Jesus is clear about the real question: Do I know Him or do I not? And He's clear about our mission: to help others answer that question in the affirmative. Jesus saves, by grace alone, through faith. Adding rules to faith gets in the way of knowing the Savior and the simple truth of His unbounded love and the freedom He offers—freely, freely!—to a lost and hurting world.

Precious Lord, keep my heart focused on You alone, worshipping, celebrating, and sharing You in joyful freedom!


Anonymous said...

Amen Mary!

Friends, did you notice that on page 47 of our One Year Bible, the word "heart" happens 5 times? It must be important, but it is all bad: hard, far from God, defiled and evil. It is still so true today. I need God's truth.

Focus on God alone.
I desire a soft, clean heart that comes from God alone.

Any more good "heart" truth out there?

Chris S.

Anonymous said...

Friends-Please notice the last line of this portion of scripture where Jesus talks about what is unclean. He mentions all the things that can come out of the human heart that are unlcean. It is a relavent statement to us today. Every one of these vices have been made OK by our culture that believes in a God that is completely tolerant, lacking judgment or disdain. "Sexual immorality,lewdness,greed, arrogance,& folly" seem to be the mantra for how we live now. The follow-up is that we are witness every day to the families and children that fall apart because a culture that says it is OK to live this way while at the same time claiming a God that also says it is OK.
Then the trouble begins. The generations suffer now and in the future because of the choices that childish and willful adults make because they accept no authority other then their own. Their unclean hearts affect all of us.