Monday, April 23, 2007

Summer is Near

Luke 21:29-22:13

When the leaves come out...summer is near. Jesus compares the signs of spring's new life to the tell-tale signs of Jesus' return. He tells me Watch out! Don't let that day catch you unaware. Keep alert at all times.

Summer is a season much anticipated, but oh, it seems can become quickly too full. I wait for many things about summer: baseball, camping, the lake, fun outside with the kids, chasing a little white ball from one side of the fairway to the other. Summer seems vibrant. So, my eye catches on the word, dulled (v.34). I wouldn't think dull belongs next to summer. But perhaps spiritual dullness IS the liability of summer. Too much of good that my heart gets dulled to the best. Don't let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. (v.34) Too much of a good thing can make Jack a dull (and unready) boy.


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