Friday, June 29, 2007

Who Are You?

Acts 19:13-41

Yesterday, we ended our reading learning that Paul was given special power to heal people. Today, we learn of seven Jewish brothers who seem to be experimenting to find out if they must actually believe and follow Jesus, or if they can do what they want but invoke Jesus’ name when it’s convenient. They’ve been casting out evil spirits, using spells that incorporated the names of Jesus and Paul. Surprisingly it worked, until one day, when an apparently stubborn and more powerful spirit replied through a man, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?”

The question this spirit asked (and the fact that all seven brothers were pummeled by the man) seems to have spread throughout Ephesus, as many people asked themselves, “Whose am I?” Somehow, the strength and testimony of this spirit compelled others to honor God, exalt the name of Jesus, and follow him. We’re told some became believers and confessed sin. Believers burned, in public, expensive books they should not have had.

So the question comes to us today, “Whose am I?” Are there things in our lives, perhaps secret and hidden, that should be confessed or purged, things that betray the faith we proclaim? Let us then confess and purge to the glory of God, as he convicts us by his Spirit, washes over us with his mercy, and restores us by his grace.

Perhaps you find yourself – whether through personal struggles, life’s trials, or whatever – in a situation where it feels like something is asking you, “But who are you?” If you’re a follower of Jesus, you need not fear the question; you are a child of God. Stand strong, knowing that your Father is able to deal with anything that comes your way; your Dad is bigger than all the enemies, all the threats. If you’re unsure what the answer is, know that Jesus invites you to trust him as your Savior, to let his death be the righteous payment for all your sins, and for you to be a member of his family. You are precious to him, and he wants to answer the question for you, “Like Paul, this is one of Mine.”

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