Friday, July 6, 2007


Acts 24:1-27

Governor Felix told Paul he would hear Paul’s case once his accusers arrived. Five days later they came and the trial began. Felix heard Paul’s testimony and then put things on hold again. But he said he would decide the case after the garrison commander came to testify. Although the text tells us that Paul had many more opportunities to go before Felix – and Felix’s wife, too – to talk about Jesus, there is no mention of the commander ever coming. Then the chapter, and today’s reading close with “After two years went by like this, … he left Paul in prison.”

Two years in prison, and now there was a new governor, Festus, that Paul would have to start over with. But Paul had even been given a word from God, telling him that God’s plan and purpose was to have Paul go to Rome to preach the Gospel. I think Paul was prepared for his preaching to be done while in chains, but right now he’s just sitting in Caesarea. He has opportunity to share the gospel, but it seems like Felix is using Paul for entertainment more than he is to learn more about salvation through Jesus.

The text does not suggest that Paul was frustrated or that he questioned what was happening, but I know I would. Have you been stuck in the waiting game? Are you still waiting for a word from the Lord for direction or wisdom? Have you already received your marching orders, feel like you know what God has called you to do, but are finding it difficult to match your call with the circumstances you’re facing now? Does it seem like what you’re experiencing is a hindrance to accomplishing the task you’re called to?

Most of us are not very good at the discipline of silence. We get frustrated when our computers take 5 seconds more than usual to boot up. We get stressed when we have to wait for too many red lights. It’s difficult for us to wait for God’s leading, and it’s really hard when we feel led by God and things don’t seem to be working out.

I’m reminded of a song by Shane and Shane called, “Waiting Room” from the project, Psalms. Let the chorus be our prayer in our waiting game.

i will run when i cannot walk
i will sing when there is no song
i will pray when there is no prayer
i will listen when i cannot hear

sitting in the waiting room of silence
waiting for that still soft voice i know
offering my words up to the rooftop to Your heart
trusting that this closet's where You are

Lord i know if i change my mind
You will change my heart in time
Sovereign Lord this time's from You
so i sit in the waiting room of silence
cause its all about You

i will fight when i cannot feel
i will trust when You dont seem real
i will tell when i cannot speak
i will step when i cannot see

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