Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How Do You Feel About Other Believers?

Just read the lesson first, and then deal with some of the high points.  Do you feel that way about fellow believers?  V. 12 – Urge folk to live the way God would want them to live.  Parents, do that for your kids.  Christians, do that for one another.  Everyone needs encouragement.  V. 13 – How do you understand Paul’s claim that his is the Word of God?  V. 14 – Suffering for the faith.  Most of us know little of that personally, or do we?  What forms are there for suffering beside physical?  V. 17 – Consider Paul’s great love for the people whom he has helped to find Jesus.  Maybe you need to personally thank someone who helped you find Jesus and faith.  V. 20 – You are our pride and joy.  That is Paul’s hallelujah phrase!  How do I actively encourage other Christians?  V. 8 – You are standing firm in the Lord.  Am I?  Are you?  V. 12 – Of all people, Christians ought to be loving.  But are we?  V. 13 – Jesus is coming again?  How do I react to that right now?


Donald E. Pardun


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