Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Don't Give Up

Wow!  What a price they paid to be true to God.  Wow!  Do I realize that my commitment to the Lord should be total and complete too?  Do I really want to be fully committed to the Lord…in each situation and circumstance, regardless of the cost to me?  In verse 35 we are told, “They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection.”  So must I!  In verse 39 & 40 we are told that God has “something better” for His people.  As you think of heaven and life beyond this world, do you have that strong feeling that we should be more thankful than we are for what God has planned for us? 

As we consider those who have “gone before us” in the faith, our call is to run “the race that God has set before us”.  We can do better, can’t we?  The Lord Jesus looked ahead to the joy awaiting Him...and so should we!  Don’t become weary as you live your Christian life.  Don’t give up!  Discipline – ouch!  Who wants that?  Yet we all need it don’t we?  Verses 12 & 13 – Good verses to read more than once. 

Lord, help me to be stronger in my faith and in my trust in You.  May I lean heavily on Your power and grace to live as I ought to live.  In the name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen.


Donald E. Pardun


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