Saturday, December 1, 2007


1 John 2:1-17

This is a word for all of us.

For the young in faith who are strong.

For the mature in faith, who know Jesus well.

For all of us, the children of God—those whose sins have been forgiven through Jesus. We’ve won our battle with the evil one, John says. (Hallelujah!)

Now here is our assignment: Live our lives as Jesus lived. Are we called to perfection? No. Our Father knows we can’t live perfect lives. How then do we “live (our) lives as Jesus did”? How do we “live in the light”?

By loving one another. Love one another, not the world or the things the world offers us. Crave the presence of God—the heart of Jesus—instead of craving physical pleasures, achievements and possessions. (Aren’t those the things that create division, envy, lust, striving, anger, and pettiness?)

This is our assignment: Love one another. In obeying His command to love one another, John says, we “truly show how completely (we) love Him.”

And as the old song says, “They will know we are Christians by our love…”

Holy Spirit, show me how to completely love You and others, as Jesus did…

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