Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Privilege and Responsibility

Parable has been defined as “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning”.  Why do you think it was that Jesus often used parables?  You might think – “Well, everyone loves a story!”  True!  It is also true that we learn lessons when they come to us in story form.  Quote: “Good story telling is like painting a picture on the canvas of the mind of another person.  They see it!”  verse 18  This gives us some additional insight into lessons Jesus taught.  He acknowledge His family members, but He went beyond that to teach each of us that when we believe in Him as Savior & Lord, we are a part of His family!  Think about that!  How does that make you feel right now?  Note the close relationship between privilege and responsibility as taught in so many ways and places in the Bible and in our faith experience.  Ask yourself, “Am I expecting privilege without wanting responsibility?”


Donald E. Pardun

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