Friday, March 23, 2007

Unrighteous Indignation

Luke 5:29 - 6:11

As we meet Jesus today, we find him hanging out at a party with tax collectors, eating while others fast, letting his disciples “work” while others rest, healing where others judge. He surprises us again and again. And after these brief descriptions, these snapshots of Jesus’ ministry, we learn that “the enemies of Jesus were wild with rage and began to discuss what to do with him.”

Have you ever been surprised by God or circumstances and found yourself angry with God as a result? I have.

Have you ever felt like the religious leaders at Levi’s party – watching God do incredible things in the lives of others - and thought, “Why is he spending so much time with them? I could have used a blessing like that. I’m at least as deserving as they are.” I have.

Have you ever experienced a time in worship when, rather than experience the majesty of God and the power of his grace to minister to you, all you noticed was that the music wasn’t quite right, or the service was too long, or that somehow someone revealed that they don’t care about their faith quite as much as you? I have.

Have you, like me, read the Bible and been shocked to discover you’re not always so different from the Pharisees?

We like to think we’re in control, and we like to think we understand how things are supposed to work. We prefer not to feel broken. But Jesus tells us that he came not for those who think they are righteous but for those who are sinners and need to repent. Our self-righteousness reveals it’s ugly head in situations like these, and we’re reminded that our salvation is not the end of Jesus’ work of reconstruction in us.

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