Monday, April 9, 2007

Wisconsin Watermelon

Luke 13:1-21

Why do I keep planting them?!

For as much as the picture on the seed package promised melons the size of hay bales, I have never, ever, not once actually grown a watermelon in my WI garden that amounted to more than a frostbitten dwarf of a bulb that I can hurl like a baseball during the October Series back into my neighbor's woods in frustration.

I hope the deer like it. (Actually, I hope they gag on it.)

So, WHY?!! [prepare for run-on sentence of frustration!] Why do I year after year give space in my garden to earthen hills from which large sinewy vines will climb all over my garden fence, the unassuming pine tree next door, and the innocent bystander corn stalks who just keep minding their business, and faithfully producing cobs season by season, notwithstanding the intrusion of these hitchhiking loafers?!!

I keep on thinking: "this might be the year."

In our reading today, Jesus tells a story using one of his favorite anti-hero images: the fig tree. (v. 6) Then Jesus told this story: "A man planted a fig tree in his garden and came again and again to see if there was any fruit on it, but he was always disappointed."

This time, the man has really had it! He exclaims to his gardener, "after 3 years, what's the use of keeping a fig tree that hasn't produced a single fig! Let's cut that loser down, and plant some tomatoes or something! They always grow in Wisconsin."

But the Gardener... (who was it again, that was cast as a Gardener during this season?!) steps in and says, "awh, let's give er another year. I'll give it even better care than I have before. I'll go all out! Extra food, perfect conditions. I'll baby it. I'll stay by it, special attention. I believe we could still see a fig on that tree!"

The fig tree was a known emblem for God's people, the nation of Israel. What's more amazing? The tenacity of God's folk to suck up resources without bearing an ounce of spiritual fruit? Or, the long-suffering hope and Self-investment of the Gardener to maybe just maybe bring His people along?

I say, greatly moved, this day after Easter, the more-than-a-Little-Marvel is

I'll leave the matter for each of you to answer for yourselves. Is this story more about Produce (what 'fig' does the Gardener seek in you: to grow? to obey? to reproduce? to just believe?), or is it mostly about merciful Patience?


PS: By the way, Mary P. (blog from Saturday), your words were some of the last I read on Saturday after a long, long day of prepping myself for Easter Sunday. I want you to know that, seeing them lining the front of the stage yesterday morning, I was blessed to 'consider the lilies'.

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