Friday, May 11, 2007

Bread From Heaven

John 6:43-71

Many of the people who had been following Jesus from place to place said, “This is a hard teaching,” and deserted Him. So Jesus turned to the 12, and said, “You’re not going to leave, too, are you?”

Peter declared, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God.”

In their journey through the wilderness, God sustained the Hebrews with bread from heaven. Each morning they woke up and found bread on the ground for them to eat that day. Jesus says, as wonderful as that was, all those people still died. Jesus, too, had demonstrated that He had the power to provide “bread from heaven,” as He fed over 5,000 people. It was exciting for the people to get free food and to be part of that historic moment. Still, Jesus challenged the people then and challenges us today to consider that there’s a greater need than satisfying our stomachs. Jesus tells us that there’s a hunger in us more desperate than our hunger for food. We have a greater need than surviving or being satisfied one more day. More consuming, though more difficult to define, we have a desperate hunger for life, a life greater than earthly life, a life that doesn’t end.

It’s an interesting picture, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you be tempted with me by a free pass at Old Country Buffet, the chance to come and eat ‘til we’re satisfied? At the feeding of the 5,000, in John 6:11b, it says, “And they all ate as much as they wanted.” But here they are, chasing Jesus around, in hope of getting more. We’re so easily consumed by our hunger for food. As a kid I said it all the time, “I’m starving! When are we going to eat?” And yet, soon after filling up, I would be ready to eat something more. God has given us this incredible picture that we have an almost insatiable need. Even miraculous bread isn’t enough to sustain us, only our Savior can. Only Jesus satisfies. Only He can forgive us, redeem us, and give us life.

As we trust in Him, He satisfies us, sustains us, and provides for us. To whom else would we go?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

About 3 years ago I dropped into a black hole – four months of absolute terror. I wanted to end my life, but somehow [Holy Spirit], I reached out to a friend who took me to hospital. I had three visits [hospital] in four months – I actually thought I was in hell. I imagine I was going through some sort of metamorphosis [mental, physical & spiritual]. I had been seeing a therapist [1994] on a regular basis, up until this point in time. I actually thought I would be locked away – but the hospital staff was very supportive [I had no control over my process]. I was released from hospital 16th September 1994, but my fear, pain & shame had only subsided a little. I remember this particular morning waking up [home] & my process would start up again [fear, pain, & shame]. No one could help me, not even my therapist [I was terrified]. I asked Jesus Christ to have mercy on me & forgive me my sins. Slowly, all my fear has dissipated & I believe Jesus delivered me from my “psychological prison.” I am a practicing Catholic & the Holy Spirit is my friend & strength; every day since then has been a joy & blessing. I deserve to go to hell for the life I have led, but Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross, delivered me from my inequities. John 3: 8, John 15: 26, are verses I can relate to, organically. He’s a real person who is with me all the time. I have so much joy & peace in my life, today, after a childhood spent in orphanages [England & Australia]. God LOVES me so much. Fear, pain, & shame, are no longer my constant companions. I just wanted to share my experience with you [Luke 8: 16 – 17].

Peace Be With You