Sunday, June 10, 2007

Step into the Spotlight

Acts 7:30-53

In today's reading, Stephen continues his discourse before the high council. Though I've read this part of Acts before, this is the first time I realized that Stephen was just this guy who ran the disciples' "Meals on Wheels" program -- a serving role, and one that may not have gotten much recognition. Given the complaining that led to Stephen getting the job, it was probably the sort of position that caused a lot of headaches.

In Friday's reading, we're told that the apostles felt it was more important for them to be preaching the gospel message, and they handed over the food distribution job to Stephen and some other guys.

I've always wanted this sort of job. Something important, but not obvious. A vital behind-the-scenes position; quietly and unobtrusively doing good deeds and not having to step into the spotlight.

Of course, Stephen wasn't like that. The guy handing out the food baskets was also performing amazing miracles and signs -- and also raising the ire of people for speaking God's word. He didn't just step into the spotlight; according to Acts 6:15, he was the spotlight.

And now Stephen answers their charges that he was speaking against the Temple and the law of Moses.

This is the sort of fiery sermon we would have expected to hear from one of the apostles -- not from the guy running the food pantry. But I'm reminded of the admonition to always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope we have. (1 Peter 3:15)

Even if we're just behind-the-scenes people doing those behind-the-scenes jobs, there may -- there will -- come a time when we will be called upon to bear witness to our faith.

-- Drew Clausen

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