Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Read verse 1 again…and then again.  In place of reading the word – everyone, put your name there and read it again!  Love and obey God – they go together rather well, don’t they?  Defeat or victory…for me, for you, for us?  Friends, we as Christians are in a battle against this world’s sin and wrong.  In verse 6 we read about his baptism and his death (the water and the blood).  God Himself has put His approval on His Son, Jesus, our Savior.  Whoever has the Son has life!  Hymn:  O Come to my heart, Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for Thee.  The purpose of John’s letter is that we may know we have eternal life.  I like the reminder that our gospel of salvation is not a hope so thing.  V. 15 – Prayer requests.  The value of having others share in our prayer requests.  V. 16 – Frankly, this is a little difficult to understand fully by some of us.  V. 18 – If I make it a practice to sin that must mean _________________.  V. 20 – Living in fellowship with God the Father, and His Son!  That’s great!  V. 21 – Always reserve first place in your life for the Lord.


Donald E. Pardun


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