Sunday, February 4, 2007

Blind Guides - Matt 23:13-39 - Sunday

What a picture in the verse, "You strain your water so you won't accidentally swallow a gnat; then you swallow a camel! (vs 24)" Jesus was after the Pharisees today. The odd thing is His audience seems to be the crowds and the disciples (vs 1). There were most likely some Pharisees in the crowd, but there seems to be a truth here for all.

Who to follow - Jesus tells the people to practice what the Pharisees say, but don't follow the example (vs 3). They can practice what the Pharisees say because they were interpreting scripture (vs 2). Jesus points us as His people back to the absolute truth of the scripture. We have a way to know if what we are learning from others is right and holy. We have a way to know how to live each day. We must evaluate everything we are being taught against the Word of God.

How to lead - Everything the Pharisees are accused of are possible snares for us as well. Personally, I can worry more about appearances than what's inside my heart. I can think about some minute detail while missing the big picture. I can make up rules that seem to present me as holier if I follow them. In all of this I am setting a false example for other believers as to what this walk with Christ looks like. All of us that follow Christ are an example of Him to everyone around us. By His grace we will be right followers of Him, not hypocrites as the Pharisees.

1 comment:

pastor paul said...

Thanks Londa!

Gnats & Camels -- it's like Jesus' version of the modern "big rocks in the jar" analogy! You gotta deal with the big stuff, the real stuff first (whether priorities or problems).