Friday, April 6, 2007

Precious Truth

Luke 11:37 - 12:7

Over the years, my mom has passed onto me several Rubbermaid bins full of goodies, I’ve accumulated over the years - trophies and awards I received, clothes, pictures, papers, and so much more. Still, I know there are things she’s still holding onto, including a tuft of hair from my first haircut and other symbols of precious memories for her.

Jesus reminds us today that we have great value to God. Although five sparrows could be purchased for 2 pennies, God is aware of each one. Jesus reminds us that we are worth more than a whole flock of birds, that God knows even the number of the hairs on our heads. (He knows the tufts that have been cut and the follicles that no longer produce.) We are precious to him.

So often we forget. We get so caught up in this world he made for us – the pressures and the rewards. We forget the dangers of the yeast of the Pharisees. The hypocrisy of the Pharisees redirects our attention away from God. Sometimes we act like them, creating a façade of righteousness for others to admire and follow. Other times we feel the burden of the Pharisees; we forget that God is the judge, and we put all our effort into pleasing people, rather than God.

Jesus tells us today that the result of both - relying on our own righteousness and working for the approval of others - is misery. We put so much stock in the opinions of others, it’s hard to hear this clearly, “Don’t be afraid of people who can only kill you. Fear, instead, the God of heaven with the power to send you to hell.”

Jesus promises that the day is coming when all will be revealed, when all our secrets will be exposed. Sadly the Pharisees responded to Jesus’ message with hostility rather than repentance. While his message is convicting, it is also a message of hope. The truth will be told about us, and God already knows it. If we are willing to get passed ourselves and admit the truth, we no longer need to fear this powerful God. For our great God and Savior, Jesus, on a Friday years ago, gave up his life on a cross for us. If we try to avoid the truth and hide behind our own claims of goodness, our future is one of misery. But if we admit the truth now and trust Jesus as our Savior, our future is one of promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Q-Thanks for connecting the dots for all of us who have collected those bins of goodies over the years. The preciousness of our children to us, and how precious we are to God--yes! God's love conveyed in Rubbermaid? Who knew!
May God bless you right down to your non-producing follicles! :-)
Mary P