Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Little Yeast

1 Corinthians 5

We have tough teaching here. A man calls himself a Christian, yet is
living in blatant immorality. Worse yet, perhaps, the church is not
only condoning it, they seem proud to be so tolerant. Severe measures
are needed. But they will be tempered with forgiveness and comfort. For
"the rest of the story" it's important to read 2 Corinthians 2:4-11.

That was then. What about now? Might it be that today's church does not
discipline its members as it ought? Before there is public scandal.
Before we dishonor the name of Jesus. Because we know God calls us to
be holy.

Do I mourn when I learn of immorality in my church family? I may
pretend that everything is O.K. Too often, I am proud of my own "good"
behavior instead of feeling sorrow for the transgressor.

There once was a situation (don't try to guess, it's not people you
know) where the Lord led me through a valley of grief and fasting. He
showed me, through Scripture and prayer, that immoral behavior by some
in church leadership could have a devastating effect upon the entire
church body. I believe the repercussions, though not recognized by
most, are still evident after many years.

It may sound like a cliche' - still, God wants us to hate sin but love
the sinner.

O Father, give me compassion for those who fall. May I always be aware
of my own sinful nature and the depth of your forgiveness. Please keep
reminding me that there is nothing I can do to make you love me any
less, and there is nothing I can do to make you love me any more. May
your love flow through me to others. Amen.

Deetje Wildes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's all about loving compassion for those who struggle, isn't it? Jesus had it for us. How can we offer anything less to others?