Saturday, August 11, 2007

Truth or Circumstances / 1 Corinthians 7:1-24

It’s overwhelming, isn’t it? Marriage, divorce, slavery, and circumcision all together in this one passage, as well as Paul’s words mixed with the Lord’s commands. So much here to be misconstrued, taken out of context and distorted. And we do.

Some have used this passage to condemn, making incorrect assumptions about others’ private lives. Some have used this passage to justify their own misdeeds.

But I see the Lord’s generosity toward us as married or single, slave or free, Jew or Gentile, believers and unbelievers alike. I see the great diversity from which He’s drawn us. How gracious of our Lord to give us this passage, so practical and pertinent, and comforting proof that He knows our circumstances and has something to say to us about them.

I also see that our condition, whether we are in trapped in addiction or legalism or a difficult marriage... all of that earthly circumstance is secondary to our relationship with Christ. And from that primary, perfect and eternal connection with Jesus, we can pray for understanding of God’s will for us in all our other relationships.

And I see freedom. Married or single, Jew or Gentile, enslaved or emancipated—those whom the Son has set free are free indeed! We are lifted, in Him, above our circumstances.

We can choose to focus on the bondage and burden of our circumstances, or to focus on the truth of our freedom. Which will you choose today?

Lord Jesus, thank You for setting my heart free, which frees me to love the others You’ve placed in my life. Show me how to do that today…

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