Monday, August 13, 2007


I Corinthians 8

3 cheers for vegans! -- especially those willing to fore go meat less for Bessie's sake than for a Brother's!!

People for the Empathetic Treatment of Another.

This is really what the 8th chapter of I Corinthians is about. The circumstance is the question of whether or not to eat bargain-priced meat after it had been sacrificed to an idol. On the one hand, there was perfectly nothing wrong with the meat nor with eating it. As a matter of fact, in a supply and demand world accentuated by the lack of refrigeration, buying such meat at less than market price could be defended as good stewardship! The theological reality is there ARE no other gods; the ones supposedly being sacrificed to were no more than rock or wood or metal shaped by human hands. But on the other hand, spiritual battle, and demons, and the struggle of a person leaving pagan culture to wholeheartedly follow Christ, are all realities. And, if some connection to one's former faithless way of life is awakened by the thought or presence of animal sacrifice (or the witness of a brother eating it), Paul compassionately concludes (v13) "I will never eat meat again as long as I live".

People for the Empathetic Treatment of Another. It's what's at steak (sorry... that's a really BAD pun). But, isn't it a bit sad that people in the world can grab more headlines by their active concern for the humane treatment of animals, than members of Christ's body can display the extent of their love by sacrifice gladly made looking out for the spiritual health of a brother or sister?!

The most important quality of a church is not knowledge, but love.
"While knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens the church." (v1)

"Jesus, what you gave up for me to be Yours is beyond compare. So grateful for this, show me what I might sacrifice in order for another to belong to You."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is total agreement from this reader! I pray that God would show me what sacrifices He would like me to make so that others would be drawn to Him.

I would like to relate what a special couple sacrificed that really left an impression on me. They made a point of never eating at a restaurant that served alcohol. In their small town, this really limited their choices when eating out. They really felt that they should do this as an example and to this baby christian, it left a big impression. The reason is that I have an addictive personality and alchohol was a stumbling block for me. When God said to me "there is to be NO alchohol in your life", there was already an example in my experience of people who already lived this way. It made it easier for me to listen to God.

What other kinds of sacrifices would there be that could encourage others? ChriS