Monday, September 24, 2007

Ephesians 3:1-21

I have been reading in the Old Testament this past month about God's interaction with Israel and their enemies. God chose Israel and didn't choose others. I keep thinking that God was so mean. Those people didn't even have a chance, but really it was God's grace that anyone was given life. Here we see once and for all God's grace extended beyond the Jewish people. Christ came that anyone who would believe would have life. We have this chance for life only because Christ came.

Paul's joy and honor in serving the Lord challenges me to a better perspective about ministry. It's not a burden, it's a privilege. It's not a demand, but a chance to serve. Paul calls himself chosen to explain God's plan. I can tend to see ministry of this thing I have to do so I don't feel guilty about doing it. I think Paul has found a better way.

Finally, I love vs 19. To think that God's love is so great that I will never fully understand. To some people not knowing things about God drives them crazy. To me it makes me fall more in love with a God who is even bigger than I knew. So big that my mind He created can't even comprehend all that He is on this earth. That is a God I will trust and a love I need.

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