Tuesday, May 15, 2007

John 8:21-37

Good Day,


The leading Jews of that day are doing their best to get rid of Jesus.  In this next altercation with them Jesus is very firm and plain to them, yet there is strong gospel dripping from His seemingly harsh words to them.  Jesus begins by saying that he is going away; this is the very thing the leading Jews were hoping for, but on their terms not on Jesus’ terms.  Jesus goes on to say that unless they believe in Him, they will die in their sins.  That sounds pretty harsh doesn’t it.  That is not a kind thing for Jesus to say, right?  Well, how do we feel when our doctor tells us we will die of our sickness unless we receive medical treatment?  We are very grateful to our doctor and for those who did painstaking research to attain a cure for our disease.  When Jesus uses the word “unless”, He is holding out the gospel to them.  They are staring right at the cure for their disease of sin which leads to eternal death.  Verse 30 says that many who heard Jesus teachings believed.  Yet we know that many didn’t believe as well.


Our reading closes with Jesus saying that some of them are trying to kill Jesus because there is no room in their hearts for Jesus or more literally, “because my word finds no room in you.”  Let us remain in Jesus’ word and teaching.  Let us pray that God’s Word finds room in us.  Let us hold fast to the cure for our souls.  Thank you Jesus, for your indescribable gift.


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Adam


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