Friday, May 18, 2007

Our Good Shepherd

John 9:35 – 10:21

In each of the other Gospels, we have witnessed Jesus’ determination and commitment to His purpose of salvation, with words like Luke’s, “Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Here, in John, we see it again, as Jesus explains in verse 18, “No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily.” Many descriptions of Jesus’ death, in television movies or in the news media, show Him as the victim of politics, as if He died almost by accident. But Scripture clearly teaches that He knew what He was doing.

In today’s reading, Jesus describes Himself both as our shepherd and a gate. He is our Shepherd. He knows us, and we recognize Him. His voice offers us direction and security. When we follow Him we are cared for and provided for. The sheep near us, who don’t know or belong to Him, scatter in fear and confusion when they hear His voice, looking for another shepherd to follow. And He is the gate. Later in John, Jesus will declare, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Jesus laid down His life for us, voluntarily, to protect us from the attack of the evil one and to rescue us from the destruction that is sure to come if we follow other shepherds or if we wander off on our own. He is the only Shepherd, Leader, Savior, or Lord that gave up His life in our place, so that we might experience life to the full.

I don’t know exactly what it feels like to be a sheep, but I can accept that I’m prone to wander like one. I need a Good Shepherd who not only guides me but also lays down His life and exchanges it for mine. Jesus is our hope, our salvation, our protector, and our God. Let us follow him without hesitation, into adventures known only by Him and into a life forever characterized by His forgiveness, filled with His presence, and overflowing with His love.

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